Read the passage given below and answer the following questions:
The transition metals when exposed to oxygen at low and intermediate temperatures form thin, protective oxide films of up to some thousands of Angstroms in thickness. Transition metal oxides lie between the extremes of ionic and covalent binary compounds formed by elements from the left or right side of the periodic table. They range from metallic to semiconducting and deviate by both large and small degrees from stoichiometry. Since d electron bonding levels are involved, the cations exist in various valence states and hence give rise to a large number of oxides. The crystal structures are often classified by considering a cubic or hexagonal close-packed lattice of one set of ions with the other set of ions filling the octahedral or tetrahedral interstices. The actual oxide structures, however, generally show departures from such regular arrays due in part to distortions caused by packing of ions of different size and to ligand field effects. These distortions depend not only on the number of d-electrons but also on the valence and the position of the transition metal in a period or group.
In the following questions, a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason is given.
Choose the correct answer out of the following choices on the basis of the above
A. Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is correct explanation for assertion.
B. Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason is not correct explanation for assertion.
C. Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement.
D. Assertion is wrong statement but reason is correct statement.
1) Assertion: Cations of transition elements occur in various valence states
Reason: Large number of oxides of transition elements are possible.
2) Assertion: Crystal structure of oxides of transition metals often show defects.
Reason: Ligand field effect cause distortions in crystal structures.
3) Assertion : Transition metals form protective oxide films.
Reason: Oxides of transition metals are always stoichiometric.
4) Assertion: CrO crystallises in a hexagonal close-packed array of oxide ions with two out of every three octahedral holes occupied by chromium ions.
Reason: Transition metal oxide may be hexagonal close-packed lattice of oxide ions with metal ions filling the octahedral voids.
Read the passage given below and answer the following questions:
In an ideal crystal, there must be regular repeating arrangement of the constituting particles and its entropy must be zero at absolute zero temperature. However, it is impossible to obtain an ideal crystal and it suffers from certain defects called imperfections. In pure crystal, these defects arises either due to disorder or dislocation of the constituting particles from the normal positions or due to the movement of the particles even at absolute zero temperature. Such defects increase with rise in temperature. In addition to these certain defects arise due to the presence of some impurities. Such defects not only modify the existing properties of the crystalline solids but also impart certain new characteristics to them.
Answer the following MCQs by choosing the most appropriate options:
1) AgCl is crystallized from molten AgCl containing a little \(CdCl_2\). The solid obtained will have
(a) cationic vacancies equal to number of \(Cd^{2+}\) ions incorporated.
(b) cationic vacancies equal to double the number of \(Cd^{2+}\) ions.
(c) anionic vacancies.
(d) neither cationic nor anionic vacancies.
2) Lattice defect per \(10^{15}\) NaCl is 1. What is the number of lattice defects in a mole of NaCl?
(a) 6.02 × \(10^{23}\)
(b) 6.02 × \(10^8\)
(c) \(10^{14}\)
(d) None of these
3) The ionic substances in which the cation and anion are of almost similar size shows
(a) non-stoichiometric defect
(b) Schottky defect
(c) Frenkel defect
(d) all of these
4) Which of the following gives both Frenkel and Schottky defect?
(a) AgCl
(b) CsCl
(c) KCl
(d) AgBr
Read the passage given below and answer the following questions:
All real structures are three-dimensional structures. They can be obtained by stacking two dimensional layers one above the other while placing the second square close packed layer above the first we follow the same rule that was followed when one row was placed adjacent to the other. The second layer is placed over the first layer such that the spheres of the upper layer are exactly above there of the first layer. In his arrangement spheres of both the layers are perfectly aligned horizontally as well as vertically. A metallic element crystallise into a lattice having a ABC ABC pattern and packing of spheres
leaves out voids in the lattice.
1) What type of structure is formed by this arrangement?
(A) ccp
(B) hcp
(C) ccp/fcc
(D) none of the above
2) Name the non-stoichiometric point defect responsible for colour in alkali metal halides.
(A) Frenkel defect
(B) Interstitial defect
(C) Schottky defect
(D) F-centres
3) What is the total volume of atoms in a face centred cubic unit cell of a metal? (r is atomic radius).
(A) 16/3 \(πr^3\)
(B) \(πr^3\)
(C) 24/3 \(πr^3\)
(D) 12/3 \(πr^3\)
4) Which of the following statements not true for the amorphous and crystalline solids?
(A) Amorphous solids are isotropic and crystalline solids are anisotropic.
(B) Amorphous solids are short range order and crystalline solids are long range order.
(C) Amorphous solids melt at characteristic temperature while crystalline solids melt over a range of temperature.
(D) Amorphous solids have irregular shape and crystalline solids have a geometrical shape.